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Stittsville Whole Health Pharmacy

Stittsville Whole Health Pharmacy is a privately-owned independent pharmacy under the Whole Health banner, owned, operated and managed by myself Avish Shah (Pharmacist). Our focus is to provide personalized holistic healthcare which not only looks at your medication needs, but looks at your health from all aspects of your life and life-style (both mental and physical) that potentially may alter your medication needs or the way medications work and with the ultimate goal of a better, healthy, longer life. The pharmacy provides several services such as: travel consult and travel immunizations; administration of vaccines; smoking cessation counselling; medical assessment; home healthcare products; compression stockings; prescription renewals and over the counter medications. We also offer compliance packaging services and free delivery within Stittsville. We keep a variety of GLUTEN FREE, Non-GMO, Diabetic Friendly snacks, drinks and health bars.

Business Address
1609 Main Street, Unit C, Stittsville

Business Phone Number
(613) 831-2180

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